About Me

what i do?


about passions

I am passionate about uplifting the world with innovative technology & strong empathetic leadership. Along with my amazing teams, I solve problems using Artificial Intelligence: ML, Computer Vision and more importantly, customer research to not only find the right solutions but also executing them to drive real impact.


professional passion

Story of my professional passion: In 2015 as a rising junior, I went to Stanford University for a quarter, learnt entrepreneurship, Machine Learning and was introduced to Product management. It was the inception of my ardent passion in Tech Product Management integrating my interest in problem solving.


personal passion

Story of my personal passion: I deeply care about solving problems of communities around me and making them more diverse, inclusive and accessible because stronger uplifted communities helps one grow faster, doesn't it? As early as Primary School, I have been devoting myself to at least one impact driven social initiative every year.


passionate hobbies

Passionate hobbies: Singing, Dancing, Swimming that got so serious that I ended with some degrees. Hit me up to know more about this crazy story. Let's talk!


right now

Looking for full-time PM jobs. I'm a Program Manager intern at Microsoft AI: Azure Machine Learning team, published ML Researcher & Google Scholar who has an ardent passion for problem- solving using Social initiatives, CS and Business Intelligence.


ted talks

I am also a two times TEDx Speaker (still counting). My first TEDx talk described my model of Persistence as an important tool for success, while my upcoming second TEDx would dig deep into PM career for youth. As a PM Advisor / Speaker, I have a strong interest in promoting PM training / education right at schools to foster young future leaders in tech. To execute the vision, I founded Product Managers Club, Columbia University in 2018 with global expansion aspiration.

arunima's models







Partnerships & Internships

fun facts

18+ Internships

10+ Talks

Music (Singing) Degree

Ex Competitive Swimmer

4+ Genres (Dance) training